Jade Dynasty~Diary Update~Award

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Jade Dynasty
Hello dollies!^_^ I’m just going to share the game that makes me busy these days.Jade Dynasty.If you have read my older post, You would know that I am really addicted to games.What I love from this game are their cute mounts,pets,and fashion.^^
 The pictures below, are my screenshots in the pet rides and the last picture is my character ‘mousy’.
Tell me if they are cute^^ I have more pet rides*.*
Diary Update
listening to some Jpop music~
~Yesterday, my family celebrated my dad’s birthday at Ryuma japanese restaurant.I ordered ramen.. and argh there’s a lot but I forgot the names =.= also I have no pictures to share because my sister has the camera.I am planning to buy my own camera soon, I have my old camera, but I don’t feel like using it>.> My dad was so shy to say that it’s his birthday yesterday because it’s nov.1 >.< hahaha But we did tell it to the waitress and  she got us a delicious ice cream and chocolates and candies for free^.^ hihi
I am very excited to receive my letter of invitation to go to US.Although sometimes, when I read on the internet how hard it is to enter this country, It’s discouraging  and makes me sad too.Although I am only planning to visit a very close friend,It seems so hard to go there v.v But anyway, I know it’s going to cost a lot of money but I would still try.I know it’s worth it because I really want to see how other country looks like 🙂

~I have been ignoring my blog lately because of my game, But sometimes I miss it…
Blog Award
I was reading Beck’s Make Up post when I saw this award.It’s awarded to all her readers,And I’m so glad to be one of them *.* So I grab this to share with you all  too 🙂
You must give this to:~The people have to be the ones who you would love to go to a party with~
But I would love to share and give it to all my readers as well,because I think it would be fun to go with you all in a party.Don’t you think?^_^
 feel free to grab this if you are my reader 🙂

Have a great day everyone!^^
~Love mimiஐღ


  1. seem like you celebrated a delicious birthday ^^

    haha^^ I like the idea with the blog award giving to all the people who you want to have a party with. And I think it would be funny having a party with all the bloggers together xD

  2. The game is so pretty! ;A; I use to always really want to start playing MMORPG's but I've always had crappy computers that lag and would freeze whenever I attempted at playing a game. xD

    The pets are sooo cute, and your character is really pretty too!

    Good luck with visiting the US! 🙁 It's quite annoying when there' so much policies to deal with when entering a different country, I hope that things will go smoothly for you! Btw, in which state does your friend live in? :3

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