I remember one time I placed him in the box because I’m worried that he’d bite my computer wires when I’m asleep.He made a lot of scratching noise that I had to let him out of the box again.That’s when I realized he can stay in my room without having me to watch him around all the time because he doesn’t play with the wires.When I go to church or go to market to buy his food,I just left him in one place and he’d still be there on that same place sleeping when I came back.O_O
In the morning, He wakes me up by licking my nose.I don’t know if you’d believe that.But he does it all the time.If I ignored him, He’d be running on my bed making noises.xD One of the worst thing he did was, he peed on me because I ignored him.Maybe he wants his breakfast.lulz!(I have my bed on the floor)
He likes to be petted but he doesn’t like it when I touch him so much.x3 He runs away from me.0.0
I don’t know why, But sometimes he’d be sweet and goes to me licking my feet or my fingers.
If you are and you’ve got some tips to share with me.PLEASE! leave me a comment below, and tell me what you think. If there’s a food that you think my bunny will like let me know.That’s one of the things I’m still trying to find out. It’s really hard to rely on the net.Because for example “They said that lettuce are bad for bunnies, but then on some YT videos they feed lettuce to bunnies”O_O “No no carrots, but some of them says ~ It’s a treat for them.” =/ so yeah I don’t know which one to believe in.
I want this bunny to live longer because I had a lot of bunnies before that died on me.And I feel really sad and depressed because of that.I didn’t want it to happen again.
He is soooo CUTE!! I want to steal him!!! please up date us with how he is getting on!! xxx
It is so CUTE! I had one before too, I was younger so I just named him Mr. Bunny… LOL. But you don't have a cage for him? Even though your bunny is good, it still would be better to get a cage for various reasons ^^ And I have given my bunny carrots as snacks/treats before. It was fine, and they love hay! haha
How cute! 🙂
My dog used to do the same thing! If I wasn't up by 7 she'd jump on top of me and lick me face
I love bunnies, my my apt can't allow animals! D: <
Doesn't he pee and poop everywhere? D: I mean.. bunnies are known to be easy to potty train.. but if you just let him run all over? At least I'd be worried. Either way, he's super cute. What's a vendor? O_O it sounds kinda sketchy. I got my bunny from a private breeder (I don't trust people in the streets nor pet stores) and atm. she's staying at my parents' house as I'm moving and going to Korea soon ^__^)/ she's a darling sweetheart and I love her!
Doesn't he pee and poop everywhere? D: I mean.. bunnies are known to be easy to potty train.. but if you just let him run all over? At least I'd be worried. Either way, he's super cute. What's a vendor? O_O it sounds kinda sketchy. I got my bunny from a private breeder (I don't trust people in the streets nor pet stores) and atm. she's staying at my parents' house as I'm moving and going to Korea soon ^__^)/ she's a darling sweetheart and I love her!